Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > clear flowerlike creature appears in tank

clear flowerlike creature appears in tank

25 9:37:34

I have a 30 gallon fish only marine tank.  I have some live rock and the tank has been up over a year now.  I have sand and basic lighting and filtration.  I don't have any problems with salinity or ph.  My question is about 2 beings that have sprung up in my tank.  I thought that I was over my shock of discovering new life forms in my tank from the live rock (from the christmas before last).  They are completely clear, I almost missed them looking through my tank.  They are on my artificial rock formation and look like a sponge base with a darker core...spreading out like a table with very thin spindly hairs that end in tiny balls.  I looked up aptaisia and they just aren't similar enough to guess that.  They are about 1/2 centimeter tall, with a diameter on the hairs (which span in a flat circle) of about 3/4 centimeter. There is a picture of what it looks like on this person's blog, but I don't think they have the id right.  I thought I had featherduster worms already and these don't look the same either.  What could pop up after a year?  I haven't added anything recently.  I can't take a picture of it because it doesn't show up on the camera, it is that clear.  I looked everywhere I could think of online and nothing looks similar.  

Hello Alicia,

Things pop up all the time.  They will pop up on dead rock, livce rock, the side of the tank, inside punmps, everywhere...

I wish i could help you but i just cant tell based on the descriptions so far...

If you can be more descriptive, that might help.

Good luck,
