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aqurium light

25 9:29:50


my tank
hello, I have a 14 gallon aquarium that is stocked with yellowtail damsel, firefish, pajama cardinal, peppermint shrimp and chocolate chip sea star. My aquarium has been running for a few months now, It came in a kit and the lights are two 25 watt bulbs and i was wondering if i could get any kind of anemone or coral. thank

Hi Ben,

I'm always happy to see a new hobbyist successfully keeping fish.

If you'd like to try your hand at an anemone, I would recommend running a protein skimmer. Anemones need very clean pristine water.

Use extreme caution with anemones, as they can inflate themselves and float to move around the aquarium, and they can often-times get stuck on the intake of your filter, which is almost always fatal. Typically an injured anemone never survives. I would recommend to put sponges over any exposed filter in-takes.

If you were careful and took good measures, to insure the survival of your anemone, you could possibly try a small rose bulb anemone. Try to find one that has been Aqua-Cultured versus wild-caught. Aqua-Cultured anemones are hardier and already accustomed to life in captivity.

Also please note that with in as little as a year, your Anemone can out-grow your aquarium; however possibly by then you'll have a much larger one.

I wish you well with all your saltwater aquarium endeavors.


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