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Fish that eat bristle/fire worms!!

25 9:32:22

I have a 29 gal aqua pod with clown and a mandarin fish but I do not want a six line or an arrow crab due to aggression.What other fish can I get to help with my problem??

thanks amanda!

Hi Amanda,
Are you sure they're Fire worms? Bristleworms and Carribean Fire Worms feed on detritus and are a great addition to the clean-up crew. If they arent destroying corals and aren't over populating the system, I would leave them be.
That being said; Mythrax Emerald Crabs(Mithraculuc Sculptus), Skunk Cleaner Shrimp(Lysmata Amboinensis) and Mexican Red Legged Hermit Crabs(Clibinarius Diguetti) are known to eat them, there are numerous Wrasse species that will munch on them as well, but the best way to rid yourself of them is trapping and manually removing them. Introducing a species into your system for the sole purpose of removing a pest can have worse results than the pest itself. Try a nylon stocking with a piece of silverside or shrimp in it. Place it in the tank at night, remove it in the morning. You may have to try this consistently over a period of time. Make it a nightly ritual. If this doesnt work you may have to build a mor efficient trap. A segment of pvc pipe, capped at both ends with 1/8 to 1/4 inch holes drilled randomly. Place the bait inside, cap both ends and place in the tank as you would the nylon. Remove it in the morning and rinse it out. It has worked for me over the years. I know it's not the answer you probably want to hear and it is a bit of a headache as well(you may go many nights without trapping a thing), but it is the best method in the long run. Good luck and do let me know how it goes.