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Fire shrimp

25 9:44:43

I started a 50 gal reef tank about 2 months ago. I have 4 inches of sand and lots of live rock.  There is not a protein skimmer (and the set up wont support one). The first inhabitants were hermit crabs,a peppermint shrimp,a tube anemone,  chocolate chip star, 3 damsels, an alga eating Gobi an anemone and 2 small percula clowns.  The anemone wandered, got injured by the pump intake and ultimately died.  I replaced it with another anemone, 2 tomato clowns,a fire Gobi, and a fire shrimp.  I  bought the fire shrimp because the peppermint shrimp is always hiding.  The fire shrimp has molted once and is active and eating, however, his tentacles and one leg have been eaten by someone. I have seen both the damsels and the Gobi rush at him but haven't noticed anyone eating him.  Is there a combination here that might be lethal to the shrimp? Also I would like to add more invertebrates. Do you have suggestions on critters that would go well together?

Hi Jean. Sometimes peppermint shrimp can be a little territorial when housed with other shrimps. Another culprit in your tank could quite possibly be the chocolate chip starfish. These are not reef safe and have been known to eat corals, anemones, small shrimps, snails and on rare occasions even fish. Your shrimp also may have just gone through a difficult molt and may on occasion lose a tentacle or a leg in the process. Check your calcium level to see if it is adequate for the inverts that you have. Shrimps need calcium in order to go through a healthy molt. In all honesty and in my opinion you have way too many creatures in your tank as it is for only being two months old. Although your tank may have gone through its cycling period, it can some times take several months for a new tank to completely stabilize. You should only start your tank with two to four small creatures and then gradually add more after the cycling period is over(that usually takes about a month). You can add as many as you would like but I think it may be a recipe for disaster.(especially with out a protein skimmer). With that chocolate chip starfish in there, there is not really any other inverts that I would feel comfortable recommending. These are not reef safe. I also do not know what kind of anemone you have or hermit crabs and I do not know where your water quality checks out at. I really need more info in order to properly help you out and make some suggestions! Sorry!