Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > my tank cycled, now what?

my tank cycled, now what?

25 9:48:07

Hello, my 20 gallon saltwater tank is almost done cycling, my ammonia =0, nitrite = reaching 0 and nitrate 20, my tank is filthy, what should i do next?, 25% water change?, clean the tank? when can I place the new fish?  


Sounds good.......

I would do a 10% water change and wait three days.  Then perform another 10% water change.  Keep checking your water parameters.  If you are referring to algae yes then clean it off the glass etc.  After changing the next 10% add fish.

Since it's only a 20 gallon tank do not add more than two small fish.  (3 inches or less) if you do it may overload the good bacteria and your ammonia will sky rocket.
good luck
good luck