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Brittle Seastar ill??

25 9:28:52

I have a 55 gallon tank with a brittle sea star, one shrimp,one leather coral. I have had the tank for 2 1/2 years and everything looks fine. But for the last week or so my sea star (Herman) hangs out at the front corner of the tank and doesn't move much. It looks like one of his legs is missing just the tip. He is eating but he doesn't curl his legs up to take the frozen shrimp to his mouth like he normally does. My salt and ph is normal. Two days ago he moved from the corner of the tank to the middle of the front. If I try to move him he responds and moves.. slowly but he moves.. Everything else in the tank is fine.. Any thoughts?


Good Morning Tracy,

It sounds like you are doing everything perfectly fine to care for Herman.

Perhaps he is getting of age, and is showing signs, including being lethargic. Since these marine animals are wild caught, versus being bred in captivity, often times you'll purchase a specimen that is several years old already.

You could try offering different food items, they are detrivores, and feed mainly during the night. Try offering a varying diet, including zooplankton, and various fresh chopped meaty seafood items, (take the chopped meaty seafood items out if they aren't being eaten right away).

I wish you the best of luck with him.