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koran angel

25 9:47:59

our koran angel fish has "pop-eye" and we have him in a hospital tank (5 gallon)we do a water change about everyday. he seemed to have been getting better, but today he wasn't moving too much he was just lying on the floor of the tank as if he was having trouble moving and breathing.. is there anything we can do to save him, or is it too late? please help...

The only thing I can think of is to try a freshwater bath. Using conditioned fresh water, the same temp as your hospital tank, dip him for about 2 to 3 minutes. In his present condition you have not much to lose, I'm sorry. What meds have you used in your hospital tank for him? By the way, if freshwater treatment shows signs of improvement you can do it twice a day for several days, but it sounds to me as if it is too late. I'll say a prayer. Gerry.