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Anemone closing up

25 9:26:35

I am new to this hobby. I've had fresh water tanks for years. I have a bubble tipped anemone which has been closing up. I'm wondering if this could be a sign that it is going to split....Is that possible????  Thanks Bob

Hi Bob:

If a Bubble Tip Anemone is showing signs of remaining closed up for an extended period of time, it could mean there is a health issue, and perhaps it could be caused by insufficient lighting, water parameters or from not being fed. BTA's should be fed a minimum of 1 to 2 times a week.

However if it's healthy and none of the above are an issue, then yes absolutely it could be a sign that it's going to split. Often times they will split down the middle to make two anemones from one.

Thank you for the question.

I wish you much success with all your future saltwater aquarium endeavors.

David - All Experts -