Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Worm looking things

Worm looking things

25 9:48:46

We have these worm shrimp looking things that are moving in and out of our rock in our salt water tank.  We do feed the fish brine shrimp for there night feeding and the worm things look kind of like that.  Do you know what they could be? We appreciate any information that you can give us.

John & Kristina


This is a hard one because live rocks contain so many inverts. It sounds like they may be a type of copepod or maybe a tubeworm.  They are in many cases harmless.  If they bother you I would try to net them.  My last shipment of live rock came with all kinds of hitchhikers.  I looked to see if they were harming my fish and they were not so I left them alone.Also my fish were eating them.  Sorry I could not be of more help.

Good luck Todd