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star fish

25 9:37:40

my star fish has white patches all over his little body (at first I thought he was just clumbsy). he is eating well. he falls off the glass upside down and can't get back up without my assistance. once hes turned over he is ok again until he falls off the glass again. any ideas on what may be going on with him? is it something that could be treated? any advice and assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Hello Deena,

Starfish require a well matured tank.  Lots of food stuff for the everywere

If your tank is relatively new, or if you clean your tank well, you might be starving the little guy...

The test of thier 'health' is actually to turn them upside down and to time how long it takes to turn themselves over on thier own.

It should be within 5-10 seconds...

I suggest trying to feed him.  Put some nori/ seaweed on the bottom and putting the starfish right on top of it...  Or tucking hte seaweed under a rock and letting the starfish graze on it for a bit.

Starfish are kind of hard to keep... (the blue/green and red ones)