Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > bought a tank that was used as saltwater, converting to fresh water

bought a tank that was used as saltwater, converting to fresh water

25 9:28:53

my question is...what should i use to clean the tank, filter, and decoration(air-pump waterfall,fake rocks decor,bubble stones)? can i reuse the air lines also? someone told me 10% bleach solution with rinsing. someone else said use white distilled vinegar. i would really like to use the decor, its really nice stuff. please and thank you


if any cleaning is necessary at all i would suggest vinegar, as bleach if not fully rinsed will have disastrous effects and even with vinegar you should rinse thoroughly. but the majority of the time only a few rinses with water should do the trick. im guessing this is freshwater so that makes it even less imperative that you wash.