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Saltwater Aquarium- First Time

25 9:35:52

I am trying HARD to decide between Saltwater and Freshwater for my 120 gallon aquarium. Please see if you can answer these questions. Is it really important to me.

1. Can TWO units of the Hagen AquaClear 70 Aquarium Power Filter do the job?

2. What do I need to do to the aquarium (never used and never had water in it ... all new) before introducing the fish.

3. Should I chose Freshwater because it is my first outing with this size of aquarium?

Hello Paul,

A couple points first:

I have no experience with fresh water, so it will impossible for me to make a full/fair reccomendation for you.

BUT, maybe i can give you some info regarding saltwater tanks/aquariums????

Typically, if you are wanting a mixed reef, or saltwater tank with corals and invertibrates, you would not be happy with 'cannister filters'.  They would be okay to start off, but after a while you will probably want to upgrade to a sump /biologicial filtration system.

(NOTE:  IT is hobby standard to constanty tinker/upgrade components in a reeftank... In fact,most hobbyist are better at buying and selling stuff then most folks i have met.)

Also, you may want better then 'nrmal' lighting, which lends itself to higher electric bills, just to operate the lights, then those lights will increase the temperature of the tank water, and therefore might recquire supllimental cooling, which again will increase your electric bill.

Learning and setting up a saltwater tank reequires some patience and understanding that although it may take months and maybe a year to fully cycle and mature your tank to be able to suite the corals and fish you want, it will actually take you that long to learn what it is your actually doing right or wrong...

But, after that period, you can forget most everything you learned, and most everything will be automatic and inbred into you so things will be so easy you will forget what it was like to go thru that start up process...

As for what you need prior to adding fish, is to clean the tank well, I suggest mostly water and maybe a tad (cup), of bleach, then rinse like crazy, and then soak with mostly water and vinegar, (cup).  then rinse like crazy.. then setup your tank with live sand, live rock and premixed saltwater, and let it run for a few weeks, or a month, and take water tests, and do simple tank maintenance...

AFter that, you can add fish, SLOWLY... one or two at a time, to make sure things are okay and that you can do the things you need without jeopardizing the fish...

I am thinking that starting with fresh water does not add much to your ability/learning that will aid you with setting up a saltwater tank, other then getting used to cleaning the tank walls...

I wish i could help you more with teh fresh water info, but, I dont think I will be going there for a while... The fish just arent pretty enough for me... hehehehe

good luck, and please let me know how things work out for you
