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reef or fish

25 9:32:58

hello, i have a 2000l fish tank fully set to be a  reef tank or only fish, but i dont know what would be better...if i decide to make it a reef tank what could it's running cost possibly be?

and if it were just a normal fish tank(not reef)is it a good idea if i put angel fish and buttefly fish in it,because i've heard there is a 5% possibility for them to live and if they do live in it how long would they stay alive?
my tank settings are:4500l skimmer,32 uvlight,2000 bioballs,ceramic,co2+calcium,non-airball system,orp +ph controler computer,wave pumps,lighting 6x150metalhalid,12t5 14W)(4 of the tf are running 24hrs/day and the metal halids are all blue and are turned on 3 hrs/day)
i know it's a long question it's just that i've been asking alot of people and still dont know what's best for my tank..i need your help please  

Hello eman,

Ususally foalks dcide which direction they are going before they buy most of the equipment you have.

you really dont need that much light for fish only system.  and you dont need the calcium/co2 stuff either...

The lighting will absolutely increase utility usages, (uses more electricty)...(Im not sure how much things cost where you are.. sorry)

and, depending on climate, that lighting will also increase the temperature of the water... which will require active cooling, (A chiller), which also uses a ton of electricty..

In Southern California, a tank of your size that is using all the lights and equipment you suggest, for a reef tank, mixed reef, will be about $300 per month...

A fish only in that size, using only the lights and equipment needed for a fish only, would cost about $200-250

So, i guess, it is about a 30% increase in cost, (estimate)  between a fish only and a mixed reef tank...

as for life span and possibility of survival, i think your numbers are low...

There are a lot of fish that have high chances of survival.  but there are a few that dont, but those arent usually sold, and if they are, the resellers usually tell you and dont offer guarantees on those fish..

Try looking/reviewing  to read up on the specific fish you might be interested in to see some examples...

good luck and pleae let me know if there is anything else i can try to answer for you

you can also log onto my new forum at   and hear some more information from other reef keepers and chat live with me or anyone else who maybe online at the same time..

hope to see you there

good luck
