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Marine (nitrate)

25 9:42:54

I bought a couple of shrimps a few days ago along with 2 fish, crabs and snails, but the shrimps died within half hour of being put in. So we went and got our water tested and the guy said "everything was ok, but the nitrate was 25 but said it was normal for marine after all every tank has nitrate". So we went today and got another shrimp and with another 2 fish, but again the shrimp died within moments of going in the tank. Is the nitrate level to high.  And i forgot to say so far everything else we bought has survived and is ok.

thank you.

hi, shrimps need alot of time to acclimatise to different water conditions. they need slow drip of your water into their bag for at least 2-3 hours and at least 50% of your water in the bag.

i have lost a shrimp just by putting it from a bag of my tank water into a bucket of my tank water! proper nightmare