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hi fin neon goby

25 9:46:50

Hi. I actually have a brackish tank of 55 gallons and I have 11 bumblebee gobys and one butterfly goby and a indean dwarf puffer. all leave each other alone except the bumblebees play allot. my salt level is at 1.010 a little heavy on the brackish level. my question to you is I just bought what was called a hi fin neon goby at a pet store. it has no coloration at all and I cant seem to find any information on it anywhere. it is eel like just like the neon gobys. clear though. do you think my fish are not going to be eatin by this fish? and I always have guppies and ghost shrimp and feed frozen daphnia and brine shrimp every day. I just don't want it eating my fish. even though I don't think it will. but also don't know what it eats and would like to know if what I feed is sufficient. thank you

from what i know of them it a peacefull harmless fish, as are most gobies. sound like you have feeding covered quite nicely, perhaps try getting them to feed on a complete flake every now and again, provides them with more vitamins that the frozen stuff.