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lighting question

25 9:28:13

i am trying to understand what is the best lighting to go with in my 45gal saltwater tank i plan on having sps and soft corals. im using a pc fixture right now that is a 50/50 along with a run of the mill t8 light 50/50. I was wondering if you could help me or steer me in the right direction on buying a fixture. I have done some research and i seem to like the new maxspec razor 16k. it says the 16k unit has a par of 1000 but tapers off on the sides. i am looking for a fixture that the capabilty has a 24 hr light cycle ,a gradual transfer of light just b/c i heard its better for the corals and not just a shock to them.

sorry for the late reply i have been pretty busy. when you speak of a 24 hour light cycle you are probably referring to a moonlight. if so it is entirely unnecessary and the only benefit is that you can view the tank after lights out. it has no positive effect on fish or coral. the maxspec is a very nice light and will surely grow anything. it will be hard to find a comparable light in the price range. led's in general are really the way to go the only downside really is their normally ridiculous price. but i can nearly guarantee you will be more than pleased with this fixture. best of luck.
