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New Tank cycling

25 9:40:39

I started my tank 11/16/08 and also added cured live rock.  It is a Red Sea Max 34 gallon.  On 11/22I added 2 cleaner shrimp, 1 pistol shrimp, 5 snails and 12 hermit crabs. On 11/28 I added 3 snails and 6 hermit crab.  On 12/11 I added 2 blue damsels. My temp is 77 degrees F.  Salinity 1.025, PH 8.2, Alk 2.6, Cal 550, Nitrate 10, Ammonia .10, Nitrite .2, Phosphate 0, Mag 1500.  My crabs all shed last week and I had to get new shells for them.  They all seem happy now. There is only algae on the back wall that my turban snail is trying to eat.  My testing levels just aren't evening out.  One of my blue damsels is not eating or swimming, he just hanging out in a corner.  Also, the guy at the fish store told me to add a capful of this stuff called 'Stability'. I've been doing that for a few days now. I feed twice daily a minimal amount of flake food for the shrimp and fish.  Is there something else I should be doing to get the levels correct?

Hey Jennifer

You dont need Stability, your live rock does all the filtering and has the good bacteria. I would do a water change, 30% one day and 30% 2 days later. that should cut your parameters down. sounds like your live rock may have had a little die off, which is not a huge deal since after this time its likely recured itself and a couple water changes should keep your levels stable