Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > What is it in tank?

What is it in tank?

25 9:32:17

We have been buying corals from people on Craigslist. I got some blue daisy which was spreading and doing well. I noticed "something" around the daisy which I thought might be a part of it until the daisy started dying out.  This thing from what I can tell gathers particles with thin yellow strands up to 3" long that stretch out and even move crushed shell particles into a spot. It also comes out of rock holes around the blue daisy.  At times I see a light reddish root(?). Any idea what this is?  Should I try to eliminate it from the tank or is it doing more good than bad. It doesn't seem to move although it is in quite a few spots in my tank. It just looks like a pile of dust with yellow strands that reach out looking for something.
Thanks for any help you can provide

hello bonita,

Im thinkin it might be a spaghetti worm, or other filter feeder...

basically, it is probably irritating things/corals it touches...

if you have a lot of them and can dig them out, then go for it, if not, just move the corals out of reach...

I think they are a benefit as they will snag dead stuff or left over food stuff, and or filter bits out of the water column, but understand that it can be a nusance to some...

a picture would be more helpful, but for now, Im guessing this...

If you want to post more pictures or keep me and others updated, you can log onto my new forum at

Post a message in the introduction forum... if you hang out enough, i will setup a personal forum just for you..

good luck and please keep me posted.

