Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > tridacna crocea

tridacna crocea

25 9:43:30

hi jennifer, would it be possible to keep one of these in a tank with a falme angel, koran angel and a coral beauty there is also a sailfin tang and a six line wrasse. i also have 2x150w metal halide lamps, thanks for your answer.

Hi Alex. As far as lighting goes you would be fine in keeping a crocea clam in your tank. Depending upon the depth of your tank you may want to find a spot up high in your tank. These clam are often found in very shallow water. lighting is not as much of a concern as the koran angel would be in your tank. These angels when reaching an adult size are not really reef safe and have been known to nip at clams as well as some coral polyps. If this is the case the clam may spend a great deal of time either being nipped at or closed up because of the angels tenancies. Without being fully opened all the time the clam will not be able to thrive because of the lack of the light getting to its mantel. I would stay away from a clam, especially a smaller species like this one, with any large species angelfish in the same tank.