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sick dragon fish

25 9:30:05

I have a sick dragon fish to i got it from walmart sevral months ago and my dragon fish's also live in a ten gallon tank to but one of my dragon fishes has stuff growing on it's fins.

Hi Courtney,

I am sorry to hear about your sick dragon fish.

The following are suggestions only:

If your fish have an off-white looking substance growing on the fins, this is a gram-negative bacterial infection called Columnaris Disease.  Some people often mistake this disease as a fungus.

If the fins on your fish are all fuzzy and cotton-like, and the fins are eaten away, then this is more than likely a Saprolegnia Fungus.

In conclusion, you may be able to treat your fish, for a full recovery. Find a good aquarium fish medication that states the precise symptoms of your fish on the package, so you can treat them accordingly. Follow all manufacturers directions during treatment.

I wish you the best of luck with recovery.
