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cloudy water and algae

25 9:48:04

well where do I begen I have a 29gal salt water tank with 4 damsels It has been running for about 6 months I have been having alot of troubl with algae (ie: green tint to water) all my levels are good PH 8.0 Amonia 0.0 nitrates 0.0 nitrites 0.0 I been to several stores and thought it could be my phospate levels so added a phosphate remover it is not in direct sunlight so I thought my filtration was inadquate so I changed my filter to the skilter250 aerating power filter and protein skimmer all in one I also have a small power head and I am also running a air hose for extra O2 I have been doing 10% to 15% water changes about every 2 weeks but the water is still cloudy and has a greenish tint to the water what else can I do  

anthony, go to, click on games and hobbies, next page click on saltwater aquariums. You will be at the site where you can find all your answers. At the very bottom you will find all the past subjects and articles. Click there and you will get help. Gerry.