Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > filtration


25 9:32:15

I have a 60 gall salt water tank.  I currently have about 30lbs of live rock, a wet dry filter and also a power head with a sponge filter built on.  I have four fish that are alive and well along with a starfish.  My problem is that anytime I add a fish to my tank, it is dead with in weeks.  The other fish are not bothering the new one, my levels of everything testable are great.  I am wondering if I need a protein skimmer.  I also have the aquarium next to window that faces north west and does not get any direct sun.  The shades are always closed so it only gets illuminated a little by the daylight.  I do have a timer running the canopy florescents for 6 hours during the day to give the fish some extra light.  What am I doing wrong?  Should I buy a protein skimmer or is there something else I am missing?  Please help.

Hello Eric,

It might be best for you to join my new forum at

IT is much easier to carry on converstations there, and you will get more feedback from other members, although most are new members too as it is a relatively new forum...

but to answer your question here...

a protien skimmer is not necessary.. i dont have one now, for the last 6+ months...

it is nice, it helps on spreading out the maintenance schedule but again, not necessary..

not sure what or how you are acclimating it..  nor am i sure what fish you have in your tank already.. some are more 'hardy' then others... Im also not sure what fish you are trying to add... some arent very hardy at all...

Please submit your test results for pH, salinity, temperature, nitrate, and ammonia...

If you can, please start a new thread/discussion on  in the new members/introduction section...  If you hang out/contribute long enough, a few weeks, i will setup a personal forum for your use to help keep things sorted/seperated...

good luck, and hope to see you around
