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foxface fish not eating

25 9:30:18

I have a 55 gallon saltwater tank, thats been set up for about 2 1/2 months. in there i have a foxface about 4 inches and a porcupine puffer. one day i notice his eyes where getting cloudy i treated the tank with a medicine that i bought from walmart. his eyes cleared up. I never notice a change on the puffer, but ever since then the foxface has not eating well. The water was really bad I started doing water changes and have been adding prime seachem. Its been about 3 weeks since this started i have not see him eat much. I have offer him blanched spinach but nothing seems to work. His been swimming around. But not as much as when I bought him. Could he be eating from the little shrimp leftovers that i feed the puffer. also I don't see algae in the tank I'm hoping that a least his eating that. How long can he survive with out eating? How can I open up his appetite. I live in a small town and we have no pet store where i can buy him other types of food. I have to drive about 3 hours when i run out of supplies. Do you thing he will eat the algae waffer, and do foxface will eat food from the bottom of the tank? Sorry for all the questions at once, I really don't want to loose him, this is my first thank and don't know what to do?

Hi Louille,

See the answers to all of your questions below:

Yes, it could be eating from the shrimp leftovers that you feed your puffer.

Yes your foxface will also pick at algae growing in the tank.

They can typically live about three months, without eating at all, before eventually starving to death.

Yes, you can give your foxface algae wafers to eat.

Regarding purchasing other types of food for your fish, make sure to utilize online stores. The items will be delivered directly to your home. A good online aquarium pet store that I can highly recommend ordering from is

They have a variety of fish foods, and if they don't have what you need, they'll order it for you, and have it delivered directly to your home.

The diet of most Foxface fish should include fresh vegetables and algae. Provide a variety of prepared herbivore foods rich in vegetable matter and supplement diet with algae/nori sheets to help reduce potential nipping damage to soft and hard coral polyps. You can also give them frozen herbivore foods.


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