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info on saltwater tanks

25 9:47:42

i am thinking about purchasing a 35 gallon to 50 gallon range tank what brands are good and what hoods would be good to purchase and I was wanting to do a reef tank with coral and anemones and clown fish blue and yellow tangs and a cleaner shrimp are these fish compatible about how many of each could i keep and what are some good tips on picking out coral and live rock and what fish or coral would you think are a good thing to have to keep the system in good shape thanks for all your help!!!

Go to google - type in, saltwater aquarium fish compatibility. You should be able to download a chart. Also go to, click on games and hobbies, next page click on saltwater aquariums. This site will give you hundreds of answers before you get started. Read, learn and be patient. Gerry.