Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > adding a canister filter

adding a canister filter

25 9:36:31

i have 90g salt.w/oversized sump, protein skim designed for
220g and a turbo uv/9w. i want to add a rena xp4 canister.
i do a 25%w/c every other wk With the extra bio filtration i
would think more nitrates would be produced. I would then do
30% w/c every other wk. what do you think

Hello Jim,

I am nt sure i understand your questions/comments.

Adding more filtration should not increase the Nitrates. In fact the more 'biological Organisms' the more bio load, (fish), you should be able to keep.

the filtration is directly related to the 'capacity' your tank should be able to handle.

Typcially folks use/install sumps to avoid having to use a 'cannister' filter.  Cannister filters are typcially harder to maintain and dont have the same capacity to filter as what can be found in a normal sump setup...

as to determine how much or how often to do water changes, I would suggest you do water tests PRIOR to doing a water change, and measuring the Nitrate level, then repeat the test about 1-2 hours after you change the water and see if you notice a difference in Nitrate level.  (it should go down)

If you have High nitrates prior to the water change, then I would suggest doing larger water changes and to do them more often...

HOpe this help, if not, please clarify your comments and I would be happy to reveiw them again

