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20g Long Lighting

25 9:36:42

Hello, I am setting up a 20g long mini reef aquarium and need advice on lighting. All parameters are good: Nitrite-0, nitrate=0-5, Ammonia=0, Salinity/SG=1.023, Temp=78, pH=8.4, and I don't have a calcium test yet and don't know what Alk means. If that's hardness, my test reads 250ppm and alkalinity/buffering capacity reads close to 300ppm.

I have been asking around for what types of lighting would be good for my 20g Long (30"x12"x12"). Right now I have two clowns and a cleaner shrimp hanging out along with one backpack kenya tree from my mother-in-laws live rock. I'm currently borrowing her 2x65watt Coralife actinin/10k/lunar light so the kenya tree is thriving and growing like crazy. What type of light would be best for my 20g Long so that I have no limitations on any corals other than size/space. I don't want to have light be a limiting factor.

Some people have suggested metal halide lights while others have said T5HO 4x24 lights. I have found these two lights on the Internet so far:

Are either of these what I would be looking for? I'm hoping to have a small anemone or other light sensitive corals someday so I again, don't want and light issues to hold hold me back. If not these, what other lights would you suggest?

Thank you very much for your time, I hope I gave all the information you'll need to help me out. Thanks again,



yes, metal halide and or T5 lighting..

24 watt isnt really high output though

i would shoot for higher power, 54WATT being the highest

keep in mind your temperature will go thru the roof with all that radiant heat...

You will want fans and or a chiller to accompany that lighting

you can also try  good luck
