Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > green wolf eel

green wolf eel

25 9:32:30

my eel has over the last  notice small buLge and now has past is buLge   looks purple incolor with what looks like egg and eel is definding them    what do I DO NOW

Hello Phil,

Im not real clear on your question...

ARe you saying that there is a bulge and you think they are eggs???

If so, can you please take some pictures and post them for us???

PLEASE post those picturs on my new forum at

It is much easier to post the pictures there, and you will get more information there as I have a few eel experts on that forum that will be able to help more then I  as i have not done EEL before...


good luck, and I look forward to seeing you there.

