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Highly disturbed, I need some HELP

25 9:31:00

I have a 28 gallon saltwater tank, it has been set up for 10 months. I had 2 bi-blenny, 4 clown fish they were doing fine. I change the water bi weekly check the salt level and the temperature. I was feeding them TetraMarine saltwater flakes and about 1 week ago I change the food to Spectrum Marine Fish Formula and I notice that I started seeing something like beige or off white moss looking stuff hanging all over the live rock, and the glass all of my live corals are dead and with 4 days my fish were dying 2 at a time now I am down to 1 clown fish. What in the heck is going on. Is it possible that the food cause this to happen. I am high disturbed.


Filamentatious Algae G
Hi Regina,

I am sorry to hear about your fish.

Aquarium water conditions are continuously changing, and will definitely change due to many factors, including the addition of different staple foods, and chemicals (water conditioners) you add to it.

Possibly the different food you were introducing had a larger amount of phosphates and/or other by-products; or possibly you were over-feeding this new style food, unknowingly. These by-products will cause the ecosystem in your tank to react and therefore change, to counter-balance itself.

For example, if the nitrate levels were to drastically rise, you could have a sudden growth of filamentatious algae, the filamentatious algae is growing in response to a raised level of nutrients, which is the nitrates.

May I recommend adding a protein skimmer to help filter your aquarium water. There are units made specifically for 28 gallon nano aquariums. A protein skimmer will immediately help to remove nutrients before they have a chance to break down, thus helping your water stay cleaner longer.
See the link below for a more detailed description of a protein skimmer made to fit the 28 gallon aquariums.

In conclusion, I believe your problems were caused from water degradation. Other recommendations include using reverse osmosis water to do your water changes, and keep your fish stock level to a minimum.


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