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salt water lighting

25 9:36:31

I am getting ready to setup a 55 gallon salt water tank.  Can i use the lighting that came with my 55 gallon kit or do I need to get a different kind of lighting.  I am wanting to have fish & coral & invertebrates in the tank.

Hello Stacey,

I am ont sure what lighting came with your tank, so not sure if what you ahve will work.

I do suggest either T5HO lighting, (54watts or higher)  or Metal Halide lighting.  250watts

These lights will increase the temperature of the water, metal halides more then the T5 but both will make it warmer.

Please use fans or prepare to get a chiller.

Also,if you tank has a lid/cover, you might want to lose that.  not only will it trap heat in, and keep water from evaporating, (evaporting water = cooler tank), it will also filter/reduce the amount of light that reaches the water...

I hope this helps

Please let me know how things work out for you and what lights you end up with.
