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New coral not opening

25 9:26:28

David,how are you? I just added two new frags one is a green hammer which is on the sand bed and a frag of green star which is mid level out of direct current. I got these guys Saturday night and I can't get them to open at all. The GSP opened a little bit but closed within hours. My zoas that I have in my tank look good. My levels are all where there supposed to be but nitrates are at 10 or less. I added bio pellets 2 weeks ago to bring down my nitrates as they were sky high. I called two LFS and they both said give it time and the bio pellets were not the problem. What do you think? I've read that bio pellets could bleach corral and deprive them of food. But my zoas are fine and all my fish are fine. Do these coral take a few days to open? My zoas and Xenia opened within hours when I got them a years ago. Thank you so much for your help!

Hi Taylor:

Yes, I would give it more time. Corals can take anywhere from 24 hrs to a week to fully open, when introduced to a new aquarium.

In regard to the bio pellets, if your sump filter will allow, replace some of the synthetic bio material with live rock.
