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ammonia present

25 9:48:31

I just set up my 20-gallon salt water tank about 2 weeks ago.  All I have in the tank is live rock, 1 clown fish and one shrimp.  I had a filter
(whisper 6) on it and everything was fine.  Then several people informed me that the best way to maintain my tank was to purchase a Bak Pak 2R+, which claims to be a hang-on skimmer that is designed for reef tanks where biological filtratin is not necessary.  When I bought this product I was told this would be all the filtration I would need and would act as a bilogical filter + protein skimmer.  Well in two days the ammonia has shot up to 1.0 and is in the "alert" stage.   I did a small water change but want to know if you know what could have caused the ammonia and w is the best way for filtering salt water without having to spend hundreds of dollars.


Hi Joe,

    If your tank has only been set up for two weeks I doubt it has cycled completely. How long ago did you put your live rock in? Was it completely cured and how did you get it home? Generally speaking you would use a protein skimmer after the tank has cycled and the beneficial bacteria has gotten a foothold. It may be a coincidence your ammonia level is increasing at the same time you installed your "bak pak". Get some amquel which should help with the ammonia problem temporarily and go by the directions. Your bak pak product should have a number where you can reach the company. Call them with a history of what and how you have put your system together and they usually have knowledgeable staff that can help you. Also try home site. On the left column click on hobbies and games - look lower left on the next page and you will find saltwater aquariums - click and you will come to a site run by stan and debbie hauter. A great source of answers for almost any question you have. Gerry.