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Salt water aquarium

25 9:26:33

QUESTION: I would like to ask about compatibility of my fish in the tank because I start to get concerned about it. I try to do some research about my whole situation but not a clear answer. I purchase a salt water tank about 1 year ago and it seems like it`s going down slowly. When I purchase it was fine for a short period but after it start to go down hill. I bought it from craigslist locally the whole set up. After I purchase a protein skimmer. I have 2 clown fish, 1 royal gamma, 1 tang yellow, 1 damsel 3 stripes , 1 damsel yellow tale, 1 damsel blue. Seems like the 3 strips is the bully of the tank and I don`t know if I should get him out ? and also I don`t know if the royal gamma nip some of my soft corals ?

ANSWER: As per compatibility damsels in general are aggressive by nature and normally most sadly use them as starter fish and rid of them as they become more comfortable with the care and maintenance with a salt tank. Damsels if you wish to own for life generally are boss of the tank so to speak so keeping one is normally not an over all bad thing but knowing the species can benefit. Three stripe damsels as well as Sergeants, and dominoe damsels you see alot in shark tanks because they grow larger and are not bullied easy so to speak and can hold their own. Yellow tails and depending on which blue damsel as they are a few types commonly called blue should not be to much of a bully compared to the three stripe. I keep a small blue springers damsel who is only 2 inch max growth will never be much of a bully because most fish over look him.  Another larger but more passive damsel is a Starkii is you still like damsels.

Royal gramma's are not known to eat coral but sometimes their can be an exception. Watch your tank closely or record it and see if you can catch who maybe nibbling your corals. I have not heard of a royal gramma doing this but if he is missing something in his diet maybe he is trying to find it. Try feeding a product called Selcon in their frozen food, its a considerated vitamin which can be soaked in before feeding. Or garlic extract from
Your local salt/freshwater store. Only use one designed for fish feeding as its meant for them.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So , that's means the 3 stripe is the one wich bite the yellow tangs , because my yellow tang is all chew up by tale and fins ! will it ever grow back the tail and fins ? is really bad and I feel so bad for him poor guy. what should I do about it ?

The yellow tang will heal as long as he isn't picked on anymore fins take time to heal but it may not grow back just heal up. Either you can take the damsel out and take him to your local store or use fish classifieds to find him a new home. Canreef is very popular or craigslist, or if you know some locals that have big aggressive tanks. Another opinion is start a damsel tank for him if you like but thats only if you find you have the time and money for an extra tank. Feeling bad is normal they do grow on you as they are fun and personable fish with an attitude that cant be matched if you find him a new home maybe it will help knowing he'll have a bigger home where he isn't the meanest.  :)