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Saltwater tank set up

25 9:48:52


I would like to set up a small (7-10) gallon saltwater aquarium and put 2 or 3 seahorses in it. Just have few questions:

Do you advise such a small saltwater tank set up?

Is this enough room for 2 to 3 seahorses?

What would the average cost be to set up the tank not including the seahorses?

Thank you,




I would advise you not to place the sea horses in such a small tank.  I would go with a 20 gallon high or a 30 gallon.  There are too many water parameters to consider with a small tank.  Also sea horses are sensitive to poor water conditions. Small tanks can foul very very quckly.  A small NH3 spike will kill your horses. You can spend up to 200.00 for a great set-up.  The sea horses will run you about 200.00 (search for Ocearider seahorses.  They are the best (only buy captive raised/born).

You need a quality set-up because these guys are expensive and not very easy to keep.

Please get back to me.  I have owned sea horses for a while and have lost some due to there fagile nature.