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pneumonia in large unicorn tang

25 9:38:12


hi Paul,
hope you can give us a little advice about George our unicorn tang. We have had George for 5 years he is roughly 10" big. we have a 240 litre saltwater tank with 2 large external pumps and 1 internal pump, the water is spot on we test it regulary and have taken samples to the fish shop also just to check it as well. George started with white spot around 2 weeks ago we put cuprazin in the tank for white spot and fungus but we fear it is now pneumonia. it is a white spotted rash that has spread nearly all over his body and he is not breathing very well, he is continually changing colour and is very unsettled. i have attached some photos hopefully you can see the problem and advise us if there is anything that we can do.
Thanks very much for taking the time to read the letter and hopefully you can get back to us asap regarding George or if there is anything else you need to know
Jane & Ivan

Hello Jane, sorry for the delay in replying, but I think Paul has retired.  (not sure, but am trying to find out for sure).

Your vlamingi tang is definately looking stressed, and am not sure what to offer you at this time other then for you to find a fish veternarian.

(btw, this is not a 'unicorn tang', although it will have a predominate feature above it's nose, it is a VLAMINGI, or Lavendar Tang)

They get to be about 20" when fully grown, and your tank is definately on the small side for him.  IT may be best to try to find George a new home so that he may have larger digs to exercise and roam a little more as he gets older, and before he and you become even more attached, makeing that decision even harder, (I too have a vlamingi, and will say I dont envy you on this task, as mine is the most pleasant and personable fish in my tank.

Try feeding george lots of seaweed and other high vitamin content foods andkeep him healthy and hopefully his own immune system will help fight off this bug.

Good luck, and let us know how things work out for you.

Mr. Bill