Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > skunk shrimp

skunk shrimp

25 9:37:14

I have this skunk shrimp in my 40g breeder tank.  its been in there for about 3
months and it now has hundreds of tiny eggs on its underside.  at least i think
they are eggs.  do the eggs have to be fertilized to hatch or is  this a common
thing in shrimp?

Hello Adrian.

I love my cleaner shrimp. they are so fun and playful.. do you have the one, or a pair?  If just one, consider getting another just to watch them play at night.  (you might need a moon light to see them)

Anyways, for the eggs, they are in fact, EGGS.  congrats, you are going to be a grand uncle... whoooo hoooo

and they are fertilized, go figure.. hmmm, shrimp are and can be dual sexed, kinda speaking... the eggs should hatch in about two months, I think, )From memory, so i could be off).

But, the chances of any of them surviving is NONE!.  sorry..

If you are lucky, you can watch them hatch. but it happens in about ten seconds, then it is over...

the fish in the tank may or may not see it happen as it usually occurs at night.  but if they do see it, they will go nuts for the extra meal...

It is neat to watch the eggs grow, and get larger... I love towatch the shrimp wave thier legs and 'fan' the eggs...  this gets rid of dead or mishaped eggs.

anyways, good job and good eyes, as most folks miss this.

(for those that miss it. you need to look directly at the tail, on the bottom/underside.  if you look 'through' the tail, it looks a little opaque/white when they are carrying eggs.  if you look close you will see hundreds maye thousands of eggs up, under the shell, and all around the little legs. flash lights work well if the shrimp cooperates)

Good luck and let me know how things work out.
