Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > water has dust like particals floating in it

water has dust like particals floating in it

25 9:48:09

i have a 6 gallon nanocube with 6 lbs of rock and some snails and a coupkle of hermit crabs. tank has been running for about 3 weeks now. my water is pretty clear but when you look close you see hundreds of what looks to be like dust particals. there are lots of it . i have been using r/o water it just started about 3 days ago i did water change but still lots of white particals. will a protien skimmer work?  

Hi Brandon,
   Are you sure they are not very tiny bubbles? If not, check your filtering system and put new media in it to see if condition clears up. Also you might try some activated charcoal, somewhere in the system, as this will polish the water.   Get back to me. Thanks, Gerry.