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55 gallon salt water tank being moved

25 9:48:09

I have just been given a 55 gallon saltwater tank and I need some guidance in moving it about 30 mins away.  The tank has about 60 pounds of live rock and many different species of fish.  The tank seems to have a serious algae problem with a black slime algae growing in the sand and on parts of the live rock.  What is the best way to move this tank and what steps should be taken to clear up the algae?  I have about 25 gallons of pre-made salt water but I was not sure how much water should be salvaged for the move?  Any help would be much appreciate because this is my first saltwater tank.  I have had many fresh water tanks but I have always wanted a reef tank.


1.  I would keep about 75% of the water.  If possible use 10 gallon buckets.  Then add the premade salt water to the tank once it is the right place. make sure it is right temp salinity and ph is about 8.0

2. Regarding your algae problem this is a light and nutrient issue too much of both. Keep the lights on 10 hours a day and make sure you feed the fish everyother day for about two weeks.  also check your phosphate levels they are probably too high.

3 moving the tank can be a said earlier empty the water.  I would leave as little as possible due to the weight of a 55 gallon tank and 60 pounds of rock.  You can move the rocks too.  They should not stay out of water for more than two hours.  Place the rock in a container with a little salt water. stay in the 2 hour window on this one. Water temp is an issue as well,so that's why two hours is the max time.

Place the fish in containers as well do this very gently so you do not stress them too much.  

make sure temp is around 80 degrees ph is 8.0 NH3 is 0 and nitrite is 0 as well.  salinity should read 1.023 these are are all standard water parameters.

good luck Todd