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Yellow tang and Hippo Tang saltwater fish

25 9:32:17

I bought a small Yellow tang yesterday 1/15/2010 I put it in my 10 gallon tank with the other 3 fish already in there (a Hippo tang and 2 clown fish) the smallest of all is the Hippo tang. Once, I introduced the yellow tang to the tank the Hippo tang  which usually comes out of hiding from inside the live rock to eat, started displaying some estrange behavior, it is lying down on its side in plain view on the sand, I also noticed that its not is colorfully as usually and it doesn't move very much it's been doing that since yesterday.  I called the fish store where I bought it and talked to the owner who told me that this is a sign of submission towards the bigger yellow tang so it won't get beat up.  Is this true?  I don't want my blue Hippo to die.  Can you advise if they will be able to live together or do I have to take the yellow tang back.

Hello luis,

It could be sign of 'submission', but not sure...

BUT, you should not keep tangs in that small of a tank... those fish will outgrow that tank within a year, two years MAX

PLUS, they will eat a ton, and poop a ton, which will keep you busy changing water or losing fish...

please consider the size the fish will grow into before putting them in such a small tank
