Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > DISEASE


25 9:32:17

I bought a green brittle star a few days ago to add to my new 90 gallon aquarium. He was fine at 4a.m. this morning. But at 10a.m. i discovered a large whole on his head the size of a penny and white around the edges. I took him back to the pet store and they said it was a bacterial infection. They tested my water's peramiters and everything is where it's supposed to be. My tank has been running for 2 months now. I'm looking at the starfish now and he appears to be dead but i'm not entirely sure yet. WHAT HAPPENED TO MY NEW LITTLE FRIEND??  I AM UPSET ABOUT THIS FAILURE SO SOON IN THE GAME AND DO NOT WANT A REPEAT OF THIS.

Hello Jason,

Im sorry to hear about your star friend. :(

BUT, unfortunately, I doubt he will recover from this injury..

It might be bacterial, but it  might have been something else that started it or caused it...

Starfish eat a lot of algae... a newer tank doesnt have enough algae to support starfish yet... Starfish are also sensitive to water conditions, and again, a newer tank will fluxuate between good and bad a lot during the first year...

I would suggest that you hold off on getting another starfish, or actually anything right now, and make sure your tank is stable... I know it sounds like a boring period, but if you know your tank will be around you for years to come, and that things will grow old and big in there, then a few months now wont really matter...

Please keep me posted as to what you do, and how things work out for you, and best of luck..
