Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Chemicals


25 9:40:35

QUESTION: I accidently put easy balance with nitraban for fresh water in my salt water tank. Can you please tell me what would happen?

ANSWER: Well....this could cause a spike in overall nitrogen levels, which could kill your corals, your live rock, and subsequently all your fish. It could be pretty much a huge meltdown, and you would have to start all over.

But that the worst case scenario.

Unless you dumped the whole bucket in there, likely nothing at all will happen. The efficiency of live rock, and maybe of your filter could slow down, but you probably won't even notice.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION:  I put in about 4oz I have a 155 all fish and I am going to do a 50% water change today, the fish seem unaffected so far.

Ya, it should be fine.

No worries, with an amount that small there should be no ill effects.

I would actually hold off on the water change. Instead do 5 10% ones every day for a week.
But I guess you can't fix that now if you've already done them. Oh well, large water changes stress fish, but it shouldn't do any lasting harm unless you have some sensitive corals in there.