Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > tangs and lionfish

tangs and lionfish

25 9:37:45

can a yellow tang and a scopas tang and a dogface puffer live in the same tank as a lionfish


Hello Sandy,

Thanks for the feedback and ratings.  I am not sure what i did to have scored so low, considering I basically agreed with what you already did, and are having good sucess with.  Was my answer not correct?  Was I not  Clear?

These scores are used by others to help them figure out who to use to ask questions.  Since i agreed with you and confirmed what you already have done, I would think I would score higher on the KNOWLEDGE aspect.  I also believe the answer was short and to the point.  not sure how much clearer I could have been.

But, thanks for replying and confirming that you asked a question to somethingyou have already done, after the fact.??



Hello Sandy,

i  have heard that it is not wise, but, i have seen it on several occasions, but the tanks were really big, (bigger then 300 gallons)

So, I am not sure what i can suggest for you

Good luck, and please let  me know how things work out

and what you choose..


(btw:  I fixed my website, and it can be seen at www.  or youcan chat live with me and others at