Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Saltwater Aquarium > Salinity levels?

Salinity levels?

25 9:41:44

QUESTION: Hi i just mixed my own salt water with live sand in a 25gallon tank! i have just
read my levels salinity which were at 1.028. i plan on adding a few live rocks and
some reef, as well as the classic finding nemo fish. clown fish , tang ..etc. My
question is really if my levels are suitable for the tank im looking to set up! if i
need to lower the salinity level a nice how-to would be awesome too!!

ANSWER: Hey Matt

The only way to bump down the salinity is to take some water out, put in freshwater, and test again. you want about 1.024-1.026

Also with the fish, tangs need 75g+ tanks

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thank you worked like a charm, and as for the tangs i guess might have to pass
on them!  I have gotten my salinity down to the recommended levels but now the
the water is murky ever since i have put my sand in! will this clear up over time
or have i already made a tragic mistake?

ANSWER: the cloudiness is perfectly normal, small particles just need to settle. wait 2-3 more days and the water should be clear

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks again you the best! i think i have one more question.. when adding
water and doing the water changes is it crucial to use the exact amount of
dechlorinater?  i have heard that more wont affect the tank but, I have had
trouble finding reliable information from pet stores in our area!

In saltwater, you should use RO water. reverse osmosis water is pure. tapwater can cause excess algae due to the phosphates and other junk in it. If you do use RO water, you dont need to use conditioner, but a bit is always good. if you want to stick with tapwater, adding more doesnt hurt, you can add a ton without doing harm