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saltwater hermit crab

25 9:35:37

I've just returned from vacation in Destin, Fl, while there I caught some saltwater crabs.  I have put them in a saltwater tank here at home and they are doing quite well.  My question is tonight I noticed that one had changed shells and seems to be stuck, it keeps trying to get out of the shell but can't.  Is there anything I can do to help?  Also any advise on taking care of saltwater hermit crabs?  Thanks for your help...

Hello Katrina,

It is not very 'eco' friendly to take critters from local beaches, in fact it is usually against local laws and codes to 'collect' animals without permits.  This is for a couple reasons.  First off, it is to protect theecology and enviornment from 'invasive' species.  Lets say your crabs escaped, and they are not from your area, and your area isnt used to or does not have natrual defenses against those critters.  then your critters will grow and populate un-checked, and may become over-ppulated for your area...

The other reason is to protect the criters, If every visitor to Destin were to take something,how long would it take before everything was gone and there wasnt anything left for new visitors to see...

AS for the the taking care of the hermits... they would need a tank with saltwater, (sea salt), that is mixed to the same salinity as the water they are used to, and the same pH and temperature.  The water/tank should be established so that it has enough food sources for the criter to survive.

They often change shells as thier body grow larger then thier previous shell.  they CANNOT get stuck.  BUT, they can hold onto thier shell with all thier might.  they will die rather then let go of thier shell so please dont force them.

good luck with your new buddies, but please do not take morecritters without learning about them first, so they have a chance of survival...
