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Saltwater tank info

25 9:47:43

My budget is kind of tight.  I want to start a reef aquarium.  I have had a freshwater tank for a long time.  I want between a 6-12 gallon tank.  I have never dealt with saltwater before, therefore, I feel that my best bet is to get a combo tank kit.  Please tell me if you have any preferance for one of these bundle packages with cost efficiency in mind.  Also, I was just wondering what to expect as far as workload in maintaining the new tank.  I appreciate your help

There are many nano reef setups on the market today. go to, click on hobbies and games, next click on saltwater aquariums, you will be at a great site where you will find some answers. The larger a tank is the easier it is to stabilize so I don't know a great deal about nano success when it comes to reef life.