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setting up a new tank

25 9:43:58

I have a drilled 125gal and would like it to be a fish only tank. Does this mean that I do not need or need only a little "live rock". I'm not really sure I've been told 1/2lb to 1lb per gal.... Is this correct even if i want a " fish only" tank... I have 3 other freshwater tanks and thought I'd start a salt water and it seems like so much more work just to get started...

Hi Robyn. You do not need any live rock to keep saltwater fish. Live rock is used as a form of biological filtration and most people like to watch all the living organisms that come off of the rock as well. But it is not a necessity. You could use some regular old reef rock or lava rock for decorations or no rocks at all. You can use fake plants and PVC pipes if you would like. The sky is the limit! As long as you provide lots of hiding spaces and area where maybe a more territorial fish can defend you will be fine. The only disadvantage to not putting live rock in your tank is that it may take a little longer to cycle and you will have to go a little slower in the beginning when stocking your tank. A friend of mine has a large saltwater fish only tank with a shark in it. She has no live rock at all and her tank is beautiful!
Don't be discouraged! It is not a lot of work to get it started it just takes more patience! Set the tank up how you want! I'm sure you know about filtration and make sure you have a good protein skimmer. Other than mixing the water with the salt and making sure the specific gravity is at the right level, keeping a fish only saltwater tank is pretty much the same as a freshwater tank.(actually easier because since all the fish come from the same environment they all have the same water quality needs unlike your fresh water fishes)