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Switching saltwater fish to new tank

25 9:47:01

I have bought a new tank and would like to switch my fish into it. The tank i have is already setup and has been going for about a year. I would like to know how to put them in without stressing them to much. I also have a few of the more hardy coral that I need to move also.
Thank you
Leona Moore

I have done this before, cycle your new tank first always. Then I did what I call drip method. I take a small bucket that will fit in the aquarium, small power head, a needle valve, and some air line. Take the bucket put some water from the old tank (do not fill all the way), attach the airline to the Venturi on the power head, attach the needle valve to the other end of the line. this is where it gets a little tricky, you have to figure out a way to throttle the discharge out of the power head so the water backs up into the Venturi, put the bucket with fish in the new tank, it should float if you didn't fill it all the way, now attach the end of the line with needle valve to bucket, and open it so you get 3 to 4 drops per min. into the bucket. then just let it go, let it sink to the bottom, and your fish should be fine and swim out of the bucket. This is also how I acclimate new fish also, I know it is a long process, but since I have started this I have minimal loss. Let me know if I can help anymore.