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Cloudy water? Possible bacteria bloom

25 9:31:40

It's me again, I think my cloudiness may be due to a bacteria bloom. My proteim skimmer is making sounds but I don't think it's working properly. I turned it up and didn't see the small bubbles I usually see. I read that I maybe should consider adding some potassium permangante to the lower region?!?! Not sure what or how to do that. What do you recommend? The proteim skimmer is not that advanced. I only have a 28 gal tank.

Hi Dawn,
It could be a bacterial bloom. Water changes are the way to address water issues. Do 20% water changes every 2 days til it clears up(if it hasn't already). Potassium Permanganate is an effective treatment, but is EXTREMELY hazardous. A slight miscalculation in dosage and you have complete loss in your tank. I wouldnt risk it. I would do the water changes and look at getting a new skimmer. Let me know how it's going.