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New 90 gal aquarium

25 9:47:24

I am building a wall cabinet in my office waiting room and plan on putting a 90 gal saltwater aquarium built in.  There is not any real salt water fish stores around except chain pet stores.  What equipment would you recommend for as maintance free as possible, I have taken care of salt water tanks years ago but obviously there is new equipment now.  I would like it for fish and live coral/ rocks. I plan on having a drilled tank with all pumps/ UV/ skimmer/water top off below.  Please let me know how you would equip it and even if possible brands of equipment, because I know they are not all made the same.
Thanks very much,

Let me think about this a little, her is my e-mail address. e-mail me and I will reply to you that way. I will send you an excel worksheet that will help you on the calculations of sand, live rock, wattage of light, heat etc. I will do a little research on equipment, the only thing I see I have never used is U/V, I don't like using it when you have corals. My e-mail is