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New Saltwater Aquarium

25 9:48:51

We just started a new Saltwater Aquarium just over two weeks ago. It is a 55 gallon tank, with about 40lbs of live rock with an argonite base. We currently have 3 damsels in there as well. The fish are doing fine, but just in the last few days both a red and green fuzz has apeared on some of the rock and argonite. Most recently the green fuzz has spread to over take the red. The fish are still doing fine, and when I ran chemical tests on the water last night everything seemed to be are very good or acceptable levels (Amonia, nitrate, nitrite, pH). Let me know what you think.





do not worry.  It seems like you have some green algae growing in your new tank.  Check your phosphate level if the algae concerns you.Some algae break-outs are do to high phosphate levels or too much light(no more than 12 hours of light)  I have a good amount in my tank.  My fish love to graze on it.  Also you can buy some green emerald crabs they will munch away at your algae.

good luck Todd