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cloudy water and it smells

25 9:36:11

Hi I have a 75 gallon saltwater tank and it's about 7 weeks old and I have 1 maroon clown fish and 3 damsels and 2 Mollies which I was told to buy when my tank was being set up. My maintence guy came out about a week and 1/2 ago to clean and service my tank it was cloudy than so he said it was time for a cleaning. He cleaned the tank but it's still cloudy and it has a odor he also gave me some clarity stuff to put in the tank to help clear it up I put it in there on Thur and it's still cloudy. I don't know what to do. The first month we had it the water was clear but now it's not can you please help me. Also. he put another pump to help circulate the water better and he cleaned out the filter I have a canister filter also he brought some carbon filter also so tell me what u think.

Hi Paula,
Your tank is cycling. All aquariums have to go through the cycle to develop the healthy biological filter made up of nitrifying bacteria. Fish waste is turned to ammonia, ammonia is turned, by bacteria, in to nitrite, the nitrite, again by bacteria, is turned to nitrate. Adding air to the system through the use of an airstone, your protein skimmer or attaching an air line to a power head assists with this cycle. In a tank that size, it should clear up by the end of the 8th to 9th weeks. The water was clear when you filled it because it had zero waste breaking down. As the fish ate and created waste, the cycle started. You want to be careful not to clean too thoroughly or deeply in the substrate or filtration or you can destroy the bacterial colonies growing that will clean the water and your aquarium. You'll want to do daily water tests for these levels(Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, as well as Ph and alkalinity) and a 15% to 25% water change weekly to keep the ammonia and nitrite levels down and diluted as these are toxic to your pets. if they get extremely high you can do a larger water change but no larger than 40%. Any larger and you can disrupt the cycle and prolong it. The carbon will also help reduce these levels, but the water changes will help more. I wouldnt add anything to the water for the cloudiness as this can disrupt the cycle or create mini cycles where this occurs again and again for a longer period of time. The only additives you should be using with your sea salt mix, are a water conditioner for tap/ ro-di water and possibly a bacterial stimulant. Quite often they are in the same additive, such as Aquasafe by Tetra, and Nutrifin Cycle. This is a normal occurrence so don't fret. It will clear up. It just takes a little patience and a little extra work for the first 8 to 9 weeks. The water changes are key though. They will help alleviate the stress on your pets and help them get through the cycle safely. Let me know if I can help further.